Gotham City Comics and Coffee




Gotham City Comics
It starts with the Comics
One of the widest variety of Comics in the East Valley, Gotham is sure to have just what you are looking for. Collectors will find plenty of special editions and alternative cover copies. Readers will find all the back issues they need to stay up to date on their favorite titles and characters. What the store doesn't have in stock can be special ordered or seached for by knowledgable, friendly staff.
Collectable Figures
NECA, McFarlane Toys, Pop! You name it, Gotham maintains a wide variety of creators and characters for you. DC, Marvel or other pop culture franchise, you are sure to find something special for you or a gift for someone else.
Have a soda
what goes better with Comics than Soda? A wide selection of unique drinks are available to help you settle down and focus on the comics of your choice.

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