Chamber Member Chat Deck
Learn how YOU can add your message here, email Bob Nelson for more information. Banner Ad: Top of Website
Promote your business to tens of thousands of unique visitors each year.
Smart Promotion
Placing an ad on the website is a great way to build brand, share sales information or inform visitors of information you want them to have.
- Gain access to tens of thousands of unique visitors to the Mesa Chamber website
- the Chamber audience is VERY interested in doing business with other Chamber members.
- Receive unlimited impressions of your ad for the chosen period
- This ad appears on EVERY page of the Chamber website, meaning you reach your target audience visiting the Calendar, the Directory and every other web page.
About this ad:
This banner would be located at the top of the Mesa Chamber Website, shown here inside the red box:
- Banner size is 728x90 pixels, appear in rotation in the TOP right of the Chamber website.
- All ads should be at least 72dpi
- Sizes as specifi ed in page details.
- File formats accepted: .jpg, .png. .pdf .gig
- Due Dates for creative determined at Time of Purchase.
Additional Requirements
- Client is responsible for designing Ad copy.
- Client must be an active Chamber member with current dues paid at the time of order.
Additional Information
- Banner rotates in formation will all other banner's purchased for that location.
- Performance will vary based on the number of Banners in rotation at an given time.
- Banner receives unlimited impressions during the showing period.
On completion of your purchase, the Chamber Director of Communications will reach out to you to confirm timelines and eligibility.
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