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FREE Vendor Registration: Do Business with Maricopa County & join the Maricopa County Small and Local Business Advocacy Program
FREE Vendor Registration: Do Business with Maricopa County & join the Maricopa County Small and Local Business Advocacy Program
Maricopa County solicitations and RFIs are advertised through PeriscopeS2G. In order to do business with the County please go to and register as a vendor (this is a very quick, easy process). PS2G does offer some additional subscription services but the only thing required to do business with the County is the FREE registration. During your registration, pick as many commodity codes as are applicable to your business (consulting, training, vocational training, personnel services, analytical studies, business research services, etc.), and use the keywords section that is available in your profile. Make sure you select a notification preference and add PeriscopeS2G to your safe senders list in your email so that the emails aren’t filtered to spam. Then when a county agency is looking for a service that matches what you provide, you will receive an email notification, you’ll also be able to submit your responses. If you have any questions while registering, you can call 1-800-990-9339. You will also have the chance to bid on other government agency bids (PS2G Agency Members), depending on the region you select when you register.
Once signed up, be sure to self-certify as a Maricopa County Small and Local Business! The Maricopa County Small & Local Business Advocacy Program seeks to increase the number of awards made to small, local businesses right here in Maricopa County. Whenever practicable, department issued quotes under $100,000 and not covered by an existing county contract, will be awarded to eligible businesses. MCSLBAP intends to support economic stability and growth in our small and local sector.
1. In order to self-certify, please login to Periscope. On the top right corner click on company settings. Click on Agency Interaction.
2. Under Manage Qualifications there is a drop down next to Agency - Select Maricopa County.
3. Expand the Maricopa County Small and Local Certification. Checkmark the checkbox if you comply with the qualifications.
4. Next enter the expiration date, which will be one year from today's date on the calendar provided. You must be able to answer Yes for each of the requirements. Scroll down and enter your password.
5. All done! Submit, and wait to be approved.