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Aalpha Benefits, Inc.

Aalpha Benefits, Inc.
In much the same way that medicine has become a highly specialized discipline, the field of insurance has as well. It is for that reason that Aalpha Benefits, Inc. was established. Aalpha Benefits, specializes exclusively in employee benefits.
We offer more than 300 group health, dental, vision, disability, life, and accident plans for Mesa Chamber members covering as few as two individuals.
For many employers health insurance has become their second largest expenditure, trailing only employee compensation. With medical costs at record levels and with work forces today that are comprised of as many as four generations of workers it takes a specialist to maximize the value of employee benefits and to maximize the human potential of all your employees.
The founder and president of Aalpha Benefits, Inc. is Alan Leafman, a chamber member since 2013 and a national, independent group insurance broker since 1987. Aalpha Benefits, Inc. represents nearly all of the major health, life, disability, dental, and vision group insurance companies in addition to programs that are exclusively designed for the chamber's members.
It is our privilege to partner with your company and, deliver the highest value for your benefits program.
