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Mesa Rotary Club

Mesa Rotary Club
Clubs-Business and Professional
How do you describe the organization called ''Rotary''? There are so many characteristics of a Rotary club as well as the activities of a million Rotarians. There are the features of service, internationality, fellowship, classifications of each vocation, development of goodwill and world understanding, the emphasis of high ethical standards, concern for other people an many more descriptive qualities. In 1976 the Rotary International Board of Directors was interested creating a concise definition of the fundamental aspects of Rotary. They turned to the three men who were then serving on Rotary's Public Relation Committee and requested that a one-sentence definition of Rotary be prepared. After numerous drafts, the committee presented this definition, which has been used ever since in various Rotary publications: ''Rotary is an organization of business and professional person united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world.” Those 31 words are worth remembering when someone asks, ''What is a Rotary club?'' The Mesa Rotary Club started in 1921 and has been very active in Mesa since the beginning. The club meets every Wednesday at noon on Zoom.